Dr. Siddharth Mehrotra

Postdoc Researcher

Recent Highlights

September 2024:
  • I successfully defended my journey to earn the title of dr. Mehrotra! You can watch the recording of the defense here and find the thesis at TU Delft repository.
  • As a part of my work at UvA, I will be working as Research & Impact coordinator for the Robust program of ICAI labs. 
August 2024:
  • Started as a postdoc researcher at The Artificial Intelligence and Digital Governance (AIDG) Lab at VU Amsterdam with prof. Madalina & prof. Ben. At VU, I will be working on the topic of citizen trust in public sector AI systems.
  • Our paper titled " A Systematic Review on Fostering Appropriate Trust in Human-AI Interaction: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges" got accepted at ACM Journal of Responsible Computing 🎉
July 2024:
  • Parental leave.
June 2024:
  • Started as a postdoc researcher at University of Amsterdam and Technology, Policy & Management to work on Trustworthy AI & AI Safety with prof. Maarten de Rijk & dr. Roel Dobbe.
May 2024:
  • Holidays!
April 2024:
  • Research visit to Asia Biega group at Max Planck Institute of Security & Privacy, Germany sponsored by DAAD HumanAI Postdoc Networking program. 
  • Presented our results of systematic literature review on appropriate trust in human-AI interaction at HCI for social good track @ NWO.ICT Open conference in Utrecht.
  • Attended CHI NL community event at Utrecht University to talk about our recent CHI 2024  LBW paper on practising appropriate trust.
March 2024:
  • Our paper "Practising Appropriate Trust in Human-Centred AI Design" is accepted for CHI 2024 LBW track. This work is led by Chadha Degachi and in collaboration with Mireia Yurrita, Evangelos Niforatos and Myrthe Tielman.
  • Received Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews for CHI 2024 LBW track.
February 2024:
  • Participated in SIGCHI Futures Summit 2024 in Milan, Italy. The summit included past, present, and future leaders of the SIGCHI community to brainstorm and chart the changes we would like to see in the why, what, who, and how of HCI knowledge production. More to follow!
January 2024:
  • Serving on the CHI 2024 Late-Breaking Work (LBW) Program Committee as Primary Associate Chair.
  • Received Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews for CHI 2024 full paper.
December 2023:
October 2023:
  • I have been selected as a DAAD AInet fellow for the Postdoc-NeT-AI 11/2023 program on Human-centered AI 🏆.  This program provides financial and organizational support of an individual one-week networking visit to Germany.
  • Our extended abstract on "Fostering Appropriate Trust in AI Agents through Integrity-Centered Explanations " got accepted at BNAIC 2023!
July 2023:
  • My research visit at University of Hamburg completed successfully! A big shout out to TAILOR Connectivity Program for supporting this visit. 
June 2023:
May 2023:
  • I started working with Prof. Eva Bittner at University of Hamburg as a Visiting Researcher under the TAILOR Connectivity program.
  • Our extended abstract on "Building Appropriate Trust in AI: The Significance of Integrity-Centered Explanations" got accepted at HHAI 2023!
  • Our proposal on building appropriate trust in predictive policing AI systems received ~10k€‎ funding by TAILOR Connectivity Fund! 
  • Honored to be a winner of the award connected with the best report on Human-Centered AI in celebration of the 100th NOTE for Human-Centered AI Google Group by Ben Shneiderman in coordination with Oxford Publishing House.
April 2023:
  • Excited to share that I recently had the privilege of delivering an invited talk on the topic of "Authenticity in the digital age" at Tilburg University, organized as Flow Symposium. 
March 2023:
  • Our paper on "Integrity Based Explanations for Fostering Appropriate Trust
    in AI Agents" got conditionally accepted at ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligence!

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